Stephen & Steven

Stephen & Steven

In which I meet I hit a knitting goal and meet Steven Be and Stephen West, and even get to take a class from them! Cherry on top – I won a prize!

Eucalan Wool Wash

Eucalan Wool Wash

This is a good go-to wash solution for working with woolens. As a no-rinse wash with a low soap-to-water ratio, this is absolutely worth consideration as your go-to wool wash.



I love knitting gifts for my family and friends. I have a few tips for those who receive hand-knitted gifts to show that you are truly knitworthy.

Addi Turbo Circular Needles

Addi Turbo Circular Needles

While Addi Turbo circular needles are a more expensive needle than what you might find at your local craft store, they give value for the money spent. They are good if you are working with a “stickier” yarn, such as wool, that doesn’t necessarily slide smoothly over your needles. They don’t warp when knitting at a tight tension or doing fancier needlework, and I was really impressed by the join. The blunt tips are perfect for yarns that split easily.

Marathon Knitting

Marathon Knitting

I know for most knitters, the holiday season is when Marathon Knitting sets in with a mad rush to get presents all ready on time. Not for this knitter! My Marathon Knitting season has been all of January, and it’s looking like it will be most of February as...
KnittersPride Lace Blocking Mats

KnittersPride Lace Blocking Mats

I think that these are good blocking mats, and they are definitely step up from blocking on home surfaces. The quality of blocking is significantly improved, and I would invest in blocking mats before I invested in a yarn swift or a ball winder. That being said, if you tend to block multiple projects at once, or block larger projects, I think you are best served by purchasing two of these sets. That’s a heavier investment for some knitters, but I think your satisfaction with your finished objects will be worth the investment.