Hi all! I’ll keep this post brief, as it’s really just an introduction to me. As I’ve been building this site and prepping some of my reviews, it struck me that there are times I want to post about just knitting – the process, my experiences, what I’m working on, and the random thoughts that strike. I’m going to use this space to blog those thoughts, and I hope you’ll read along with me and share your experiences, too!

For now, I just took a peek in my “too-be-blocked” bag and I realized that I have more projects in there than I can block at a single time. I have one project still on my needles that I expect to finish in the next day or two, so I think I’m going to dedicate part of tomorrow to just washing and blocking. I love seeing my projects after they are washed and blocked, but for some reason I just can’t get off my duff to actually do it! I’m looking forward to sharing my finished projects with you.

Oh, and if you happen to seeĀ a project I’ve completed and you have questions about it – please, just comment on it and I’m happy to share!